Thursday, May 23, 2013

Buell Blast Buell Blast Forum Buell Blast Top Speed

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Freedom. Throwing caution to the wind. Unity with nature. Here is how many women feel about their motorcycles, and they take to the streets by storm. The concept of women being perceived as backseat ornaments on motorcycles is long gone. Women are in place to satisfy everyone in America and the world to experience the exhilaration that until recently mostly men had the pleasure of living. Is controlling the throttle while their husbands, significant others and men in general are embracing their newfound independence.

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When it comes to form groups of motorcycle clubs and organizations, women are setting their own standards. We should reflect on the past and give credit to the rebels who made ​​possible by defying the norm.

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Motorized bicycles in 1900 opened a new world of experiences for women. Take Dot Robinson who was considered a pioneer of female motorcyclists. Dot has won its first trophy in 1930 at the Flint 100 Endurance race. He drove up to the age of 85 It is estimated that Dot has ridden about a million and a half miles.

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